My husband is a great dad.

…and deserves some recognition. I know there are a lot of you good dads out there, and you deserve some kudos, too, but tonight I’m focusing on the great dad in my house. I write this while I wait for CM to come home from her first date…with her dad. As I watched them get ready for an evening of dining and dancing, I was thinking of a story I once heard about a young girl who was taken on a trip to Paris with her father. Just her and her dad. She had siblings, and her parents were happily married. But, he said something along the lines of, “Every girl should go to Paris for the first time with a man who will love her forever.” I thought that was incredibly sweet.


It may not have been Paris, just a hotel ballroom with Disney music, but CM felt very special as they were leaving. As with so many events in our lives, it’s the memory of how we felt, and not the physical details that stay with us. I hope she’ll always remember how her dad made her feel.


Every girl should go on her very first date with the man who will love her, without reservation, all of her life.


Thanks, T, for being that man to our girls.

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