Summer Slowdown


Having young kids at home this summer means that when it comes to my blog, it’s a late night choice between posting and sleep. As you can see by the paucity of posts lately, sleep has been winning. That is, until the last week when a summer cold struck each of us, one by one. I used to live by the mantra that I would sleep when I am old or dead (whichever comes first)…but now that I’m a parent and no longer have the luxury of catching up on sleep on the weekends, I’m starting to see the wisdom in relying on actual rest, rather than caffeine, to get me through the week. I’m turning over a new leaf. I am officially a fan of sleep. I should add it to my facebook page. Which leads me to another tangent: have you noticed the random and extremely vague things people claim to be fans of?

Not that I’m giving up on my blog, just that I’m slowing it down until the fall when I can actually work on it during daylight hours. In the meantime, here are some pictures from our summer so far.





These last few are by T (aka Mr. Future Second Shooter?), as I was giving CM a haircut.




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