
An afternoon at Conner’s A-maizing-ing Acres. Last year we got so lost that we ended up driving off road for miles and got there with only enough time to do the corn maize and hay ride in the dark. We had a great time and enjoyed the recent onset of cool weather. If you’re in Jacksonville and haven’t made it out here, I highly recommend it. Only one more weekend left, and I think military families are free next weekend.



We managed to be the only passengers on the last run of the hay ride. The two local boys who were running the ride asked us how come almost everyone who came that day was from Jacksonville but none of us knew each other. They said, “Round here, everybody knows everybody.” We were happy to report we did run into our neighbors from down the street! But, they were still baffled that Jax could be so big that we didn’t know all our neighbors.


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The youngest member of the T family arrived just eight months ago. Recently I caught up with them to get some photos of them now that baby girl is coming into her own and they have settled into life as a foursome.


Two sisters about 4 years apart is a sibling dynamic I am VERY familiar with. My daughters, and my sister and I, are right around there, too.


Big Sis, as is typical of most sessions that involve 4 year olds kids, was on the move the whole time. I was so glad I got to capture a few still moments with her because, as you can see, she is gorgeous.









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At my house, we have a tradition that we call Fun Friday. It’s one of those cheesy family things that before kids I never would have thought I would do, but T came home from a business trip one time with a movie and a bucket of never-seen-in-our-house goodies, and the tradition was born. It seemed like a good and simple idea. We make a point to spend Friday afternoon/evenings together (as long as we’re all in the same city) and do something a little above and beyond our regular routine.

The problem arises when it’s been a crazy busy week, as is our norm, and all, especially the grown-ups, are tired. Coming up with something “special” to do seems almost like a burden. I wish I were one of those parents who has a backup list of a million great activities for the family at all times, but I am not. Coming up with 52 enticing activities that are fun for all can be daunting.

So, when I showed up at my very good friend’s house last Friday evening, and she was clearly a bit frazzled, and the house was a *tiny* bit messy, and hubby was not yet home but soon arrived in a less than cheerful mood, I could completely relate. We’re supposed to be happy, people! It’s the weekend! Hooray! Unfortunately, it’s easy to forget. Mom (heretofore referred to as L) and I were not sure how this would go. We showed up to where we planned to shoot, and there were a million people. The troops were getting hungry. One had to pee.


We went back and forth whether we should proceed, or risk losing the light and eat. In the meantime, big brother made it to the restroom and the kids started to play. L was still very skeptical that we’d be able to salvage the evening. But you know when I knew we’d be okay? When baby sister, who whenever I’ve been around her is the quietest thing, started her toddle, brother started chasing, which led to her chuckling. I heard Dad start laughing behind me. It wasn’t that everyone immediately started having a fantastic time, but it was then I think that they all relaxed a bit, consciously or not. We were able to grab a few shots that I think L will be surprised by. It was a reminder to me that most of the time enjoying our families is not about being in the most spectacular places, having the most fun of our lives, and leaving every trouble behind. Sometimes, it is simply letting our guards down, making each other crack a smile even when we are determined not to, and being each other’s soft place to land.

Thanks for the evening, W family. I couldn’t think of a better family to spend my Fun Friday with when I have to be away from my own crew.







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A run of kid ailments at my house have slowed me down lately, but I definitely wanted to go back to share some photos from earlier this month that I was especially happy to be a part of. The new mom in this series is a great friend of mine who I’ve known since high school in Georgia. We somehow both ended up in living in Milwaukee when we were newlyweds and when I first became a mom. I was thrilled when I heard she was expecting her first baby, and even more excited when it worked out that I would get to meet the him at only four weeks old.


It has been said that friends are the family of our own choosing, and I am so grateful for those who hold that place in my life, and especially those who I have been in my life for many years. It is amazing to go from being children together, and then grow, encourage, and support each other through the many stages of life that follow. Even if we only get to see each other every few years now,  I was so happy to get to visit my old friend as she enters into this newest phase of her life and family. THANK YOU, C! I love you, loved catching up with you, and am honored to have been able to take these photos for you.




Had to get one in of the other baby.





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